Globalization Higher Education Curriculum Internationalization Accreditations Business School
Globalization and technology infusion have made internationalization of higher education unavoidable; one of the key agendas for today’s Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is the internationalization of their curricula (Edwards et al., 2003). The curriculum (as product, process or outcome) represents the institutional strategic orientation on internationalization. Though implemented as multicultural curriculum, since early 20th century, the topic still has potential to provide guidelines to the new and existing HEIs. Such as, what is curriculum in the new global settings, what are the determinants of an internationalized curriculum and how can we approach curriculum internationalization that ensures fulfillment of local market skill needs and compliance to the international higher education regulations, at the same time. This study analyzes policy artifacts to guide academics on the mandated requirements to answer these questions. By undertaking qualitative-interpretive (Yanow, 2007, p.407) discourse analysis of policy artifacts from OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) and European and American accrediting bodies (AACSB, ACBSP, EQUIS and EPAS), the study has synthesized an operational framework on the said topic. It identifies the determinants of curricula internationalization and the relation between them that can inform curricularists and academics in following policy-driven practices.
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