ACDC Holonomic thinking managerialism organizational learning organizational change business pedagogy paradigms
On a recent trip to Brazil, one of the authors encountered a different model of recruitment and organizational development for an emerging startup software company called Chaordic. The author was impressed with the passion and excitement of the company spokesperson, Anderson Nielson, who explained the model they were using as founded on ACDC - Amore, Consciousness, Discipline, and Commitment (ACDC). Company founder Joao Bernartt, a student of artificial intelligence and his colleague Nielson developed these concepts because they saw them as having great significance for achievements in human history including but not limited to human endeavour and great accomplishment. Bernartt and Nielson were then successful in building them into the foundation of their company through teams, shared goals, learning leadership and accomplishments, all directed towards a common good. Authors Simon Robinson and Maria Morales have expanded on ACDC and developed them within their theory of Holonomics. In this paper, the authors explore these concepts as increasingly relevant for today’s global business world, contrary to the usual managerial and dominant way of thinking about business. If organizations are actually using this philosophy and process as a means of recruitment and simultaneously building their business success, then how should business schools respond, especially when their basic teaching philosophy has as its foundation a framework of traditional managerialism? We suggest that if companies such as our Brazilian company wish to hire employees for their passions, so that they can better contribute to their success, then business schools need to recognize this and provide a new kind of business education, especially as it pertains to a different way of thinking and working.
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