
Global Education, Security, Artificial Intelligence, heuristics, Transformation Manager's Profile, Transformation Project, Enterprise Architecture and Critical Success Factor


This article analyses the role of Global Education System (GES) and proposes the Applied Holistic Mathematical Model for GES (AHMM4GES). The AHMM4GES is based on many years of research on business & educational transformations, Artificial Intelligence (AI), applied mathematics, software modelling, business & organizational engineering, skills & educational systems, financial analysis, security and enterprise architecture. The used research methodology is based on the author’s authentic mixed research method that is supported by a mainly qualitative reasoning module. AHMM4GES’s formalism mimics the human brain, by using empirical processes that are based on heuristics. The AHMM4GES is used to implement a decision-making system (or an expert system) to support a GES and uses a behaviour-driven development environment that can be easily adopted by any organization. The development environment can be used by any team member without any prior computer sciences qualifications.

The AHMM4GES is used to estimate the Role of AI based Security in GES’s (RAISGES) context and tries to estimate the roles of the giants in this domain, like the USA, China, and India; and what would be the real role of the European Union and France.

The uniqueness and originality of this research is that the AHMM4GES promotes a holistic unbundling process, the alignment of transformation strategies to support GES’ evolution. For a successful integration of AHMM4GES in projects, the manager’s profile, education, skills and role are crucial, where his decisions are supported by the selection, implementation and processing of critical success factors. The main implication is a systemic approach that is the optimal to integrate an RAI4GES.

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