Talent, Talent Management talent management strategies, success factors, private higher education.
This study examined talent management strategies of higher education institutions with specific reference to private higher education institutions (PHEIs) that offer professional and academic qualifications up to degree level in Botswana. Higher education in Botswana consists of both public and private higher education institutions. The scope of this study was on private higher education institutions. Literature shows that talent management in higher education institutions is a relatively new and untapped opportunity despite its importance in offering these institutions a proven and practical way for driving competitive advantage. The main objective of this study therefore was to investigate the different talent management strategies private higher education institutions in Botswana use to attract and retain talent. Results of this study showed that talent management strategies of private higher education institution in Botswana is still work in progress as in a number of cases the knowledge and ability to implement talent management strategies were seen as lacking in these institutions. For data collection, this study employed a structured questionnaire adapted from MOR (n.d.).
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