Case Studies Digital Inequality Internal Migration Pedagogy Small Businesses Social Media
The sustainability of small businesses is an important criterion as they act as the drivers of local economies. The success of small businesses will not only help in job creation but will also help to arrest the internal rural-urban migration that is a phenomenon very true for suburban communities all over the United States of America. Digital inequality between urban and rural America is further a well-established concept in the related fields. A large portion of college graduates will find themselves working for area businesses. Yet, the college curriculum often does not adequately address social media considerations for small businesses. Due to the disconnect between the modern business environment and the college curriculum, there is a need to unpack the complex issues relevant to small businesses and social media. However, there is not currently a case identical to this that addresses the modern climate of social media use within small businesses and their potential effects. This pedagogical tool will help fill that gap, providing fictional cases that instructors in both the business and communication classrooms can employ to better prepare future graduates to enter the socially connected workforce.
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