Information Systems Use; Interactivity Higher Education Management Information Systems Structure Equation Modelling Experiential Survey
Technology is capable of revolutionizing the management of higher education institutions and improving services they provide. However, this does not happen in many cases because, either the appropriate technology is not available, or because technology is simply not used. The last decade has seen substantial investments in technology infrastructure for higher education enterprises. Resource constrains and accreditations requirements oblige higher education institutions to set their technology priority and select the most appropriate systems. This paper suggests and empirically evaluates a predicting Higher Education Management Information Systems (HEMIS) use model. Built on well-established information systems user’s behavioural models, the model suggested by this research hypothesizes that degree of interactivity have significant effect on HEMIS use, where user’s attitude and intension to use are mediator factors. The paper reports the findings of an experiential survey study, conducted over 110 higher education administration staff of different managerial levels, in 7 different higher education entities, looking at their use of three types of HEMIS. Structural Equation Modelling is employed to evaluate the goodness-to-fit of the suggested model. The results provide empirical evidence on how interactivity affects user behaviour in HEMIS context. Furthermore, the study reports some interesting findings concerning the use of HEMIS highly interactive tools within the enviro
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