
Total Quality Management (TQM), European Foundation Quality Management (EFQM) model, Higher education, Hellenic School of Judges (HSJ)


The adoption of a Total Quality Management (TQM) Model could improve many of the administrative structures of public services. The means for quality improvement is based on quantitative features. The European Foundation Quality Management (EFQM) model is an important instrument for achieving organizational excellence, which is mainly based on self-assessment, benchmarking and continuous improvement that aims to improve the efficiency and quality of services.  The main objective of the proposed study is to demonstrate the importance of adopting a model based on the principles of TQM in the area of Higher Education and particularly the Hellenic School of Judges (HSJ). Primary research data have been collected through interviews of the administrative and educational staff of the HSJ. The measured variables of the TQM elements, Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis have been applied to define the TQM elements mostly used and the results achieved by the HSJ.  The contribution of this study lies in the investigation of several interrelationships between some significant variables that exist in HEIs, with the help of EFQM model. By examining thoroughly and understanding those interrelationships, it is acknowledged that is helpful to deploy appropriate tools in the future, in order HE institutions to achieve excellence.

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